Italian organic honey from Lucca

3 organic variety of honey : Acacia, Wildflowers and Chestnut

Our organic honey is certified from organic farming and controlled by I.C.E.A. – Istituto per la Certificazione Etica e Ambientale, Aut Mi.P.A.A.F.
It is produced in accordance to the European regulations CEE 834/07 and CE889/08.

Acacia organic honey

According to the popular pharmacopea it has strengthening properties. It detoxifies the liver, is anti-inflammatory for the throat and slightly laxative.
This honey is much sought after for its delicate, uncloying taste. It sweetens without altering flavours or aromas. It does not make tisanes cloudy.

Colour: translucent white
Flavour: light and delicate, recalling the sweetness of ripe fruit
Aroma: light and fleeting, like the perfume of the lime flowers
Crystallisation: very slow, even after two years; a white paste forms, firm but not hard; the crystals are rather opaque and easily dissolved.

Wildflowers organic honey

Wildflowers honey derives from many kinds of flowers and, consequently, it has the merits of the many resulting nectars

Colour: varies depending on the source.
Flavour: sweet, fruty, strong.
Aroma: mixed flowers and fruits
Cristallizzazione: it has a grainy texture and it crystallizes easily.

Chestnut organic honey

It is only from wild varieties of the chestnut that honey is obtained. The bees collect the pollen from the male flowers, which are so rich in pollen that the wind is the main agent of pollination.
Thus chestnut honey is very rich in pollen, which gives it a very strong flavour.
It is also very rich in tannin.

Colour: dark
Flavour: strong, persistent, sometimes cloying if pure
Aroma: pungent
Crystallisation: very slow when pure, or when blended with acacia honey; when it is blended with the honey of forest or meadow flowers, the crystals are coarse and compact.